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RE: GT6 rear brakes

Subject: RE: GT6 rear brakes
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:48:15 +0100
I always wonder why someone would want self adjusting brakes at the rear,
surely readjusting them every say 10k miles is not that much work, at the
same time you can check if theres any leaks, everything is fine etc. I
always found selfadjusting brakes a slight pain when they get older
(breaking components defying the purpose) plus its more work when you want
to pop off a drum. But then de gustibus non est disputandum eh?
> ----------
> From:         Barry Schwartz[]
> Reply To:     Barry Schwartz
> Sent:         Tuesday, April 27, 1999 4:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:      GT6 rear brakes 
> The recent remarks regarding the GT6 rear brake drums got me thinking
> (again).  I have the GT6 MKII rear brakes on the Spit, and always wondered
> about getting a self adjusting set from the GT6 MKIII.  I just figured
> that
> they would be too hard to find in a wrecking yard and just resigned to not
> having self adjusters.  Since apparently one lister found out that the
> drum
> is the same as the TR7 I was wondering if the entire back plate, brake
> assy
> and drum would fit the earlier GT6 setup?  Knowing the way BL used as many
> parts from existing sources, It would not be entirely out of the question
> that they wouldn't fit.  Anybody done this??  I may be off to the breakers
> to see what fits!
> Barry Schwartz (San Diego)

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