I certainly hope your observaions are incorrect in this matter. Because
if they aren't, then what does the naming of my Spits (Huxley and Tiny
Tim) say about me?
I'm straight, honest!!! 8^)
Ken Bertschy wrote:
> My girly car spitfire isn't very fast. But you don't see people waving and
> saying "cool car" to Jag XJ6 owners. My Spit has the curves that draw
> serious attention from pedestrians and motorists alike. Nobody has ever
> complemented me in a Jag. They always complement me in the spit. Makes a
> guy feel kinda "special" (heh, heh). I think of any car worth driving as
> "female". It has to have the curves in the right places, a nice "waist",
> and when referring to it, the pronoun "she" should feel natural. "How fast
> does she go"? "What'll she do?" (Answer, "She's mostly a garage queen")
> So, it's interesting to see female owners give their spitfires male names.
> I wonder if gays and lesbians give their spitfires same-sex names? Not
> that there's anything wrong with that!
> Ken Bertschy, a girl's best friend