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RE: My 77 Spitfire questions

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: My 77 Spitfire questions
From: Victor Michael <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 14:00:52 -0500

  I have to say, "Wow!"  I am very impressed with the responses I've
already received (in just a few hours). Let me also say, "Thanks!"

  Here's an embarrassing little story about my initial perception of the
list:  I posted my two messages about a week ago and very anxiously
awaited responses. A week had gone by and no one answered at all! Not
even a, "Those are stupid questions, go away neophyte!"  Needless to
say, my feelings were a bit hurt. (c;  Well, I began to wonder why and
did some further investigation. I discovered, just this morning, that my
email client was not configured with the same email address as the one I
subscribed to the list with. I modified this entry and lo-and-behold,
there are all the great responses I had anticipated!

  A couple of things about this story: a) Think better of people! b) You
can learn about more than just Triumphs on this mail list. c) I now feel
like there's a great group of people out there that share my interest. 
So for my initial thoughts about the list, I apologize.

  Thanks to all who have responded.  Here's to the future of my yet
unnamed '77 Spit.

Here's what I've come up with so far, relative to my previous posts:

- Just talked to the garage that was looking at the Honda radiator. More
than "a few hundred dollars to re-core the radiator" - BLAH, forget

- I'm hopeful for finding a Spit radiator, used. If that proves
fruitless, then I'll not be so cheap and order a new one.

- I've registered the Spit in register database. (Thanks Joe!)

- I'll be joining ISOA soon. (Thanks Eddy!)

- My brakes: The adjuster was backed off all the way. I am actually
suspicious about the play in the wheel cylinder and the slot.  It
actually threw me a little when I could slide the wheel cylinders within
the slot from front to back about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The driver's side
(the one that's tight) didn't seem to have as much play in it as the
other. Perhaps this is keeping the shoes from centering within the drum?

Thanks All!!!


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