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Re: Oxygen sensor setup-

To: Barry Schwartz <>
Subject: Re: Oxygen sensor setup-
From: Joe Worsley <>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 1998 16:44:36 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Unorganized
References: <>
Barry Schwartz wrote:
> I know this isn't strictly a Triumph question, but it will be used on
> one-
> I�m considering  setting up a fuel/air ratio meter using a digital
> voltmeter (0-1V), and a Bosch oxygen sensor.  How does one connect the
> sensor up.  Is one lead just connected to a switched, positive side of
> the battery, and the reading taken from the center lead and a ground?
> Or is some additional wiring required? - I haven�t got the sensor yet,
> but plan on buying the universal, unheated sensor.  I can�t see spending
> $150 for a 0-1V led readout just to test fuel/air readings, and once set
> have it sit on the shelf!  Any of you wizards out there have any ideas?
> Barry Schwartz (San Diego)


With the unheated sensor all you have to do is connect the voltmeter to 
the lead and ground.  You might find that a heated sensor is better as it 
will stay hot while you are ideling if the sensor isn't located colose to 
the engine. 

A recent experience with a friends Edlebrock throttle body injection 
conversion system that had a heated sensor installed gave a problem when 
the heater failed.  He was having trouble with it cooling off when he sat 
at a stop light.

The heated ones are about $80 bucks but you can probably get one at a 
junk yard.

Joe Worsley
80 TR8
Tupelo, MS

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