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Re: Re: Importing car from Canada to USA

To: <OHFASTONE@aol.com>, <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Re: Importing car from Canada to USA
From: "Ptegler" <ptegler@gouldfo.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 09:58:32 -0400
the first two paragraphs...directly from the dated doc

as of June 1, 2000

Under 49 U.S.C. � 30112(b)(9) (formerly section 108(i) of the Act), "any motor 
vehicle that is at least 25 years old" is not subject to importation 
restrictions. All vehicles less than 25 years old must be determined eligible 
for importation by one of the following methods before the vehicle may be 
imported under contract with a Registered Importer as described in the Vehicle 
Importation Guidelines. 

Under 49 U.S.C. � 30141(a)(1)(A) (formerly section 108(c)(3)(A)(i)(I) of the 
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (the Act)), a motor vehicle that 
was not originally manufactured to conform to all applicable Federal motor 
vehicle safety standards shall be refused admission into the United States 
unless NHTSA has decided that the motor vehicle is substantially similar to a 
motor vehicle originally manufactured for importation into and sale in the 
United States, certified under 49 U.S.C. � 30115 (formerly section 114 of the 
Act), and of the same model year as the model of the motor vehicle to be 
compared, and is capable of being readily altered to conform to all applicable 
Federal motor vehicle safety standards. Where there is no substantially similar 
U.S.- certified motor vehicle, 49 U.S.C. � 30141(a)(1)(B) (formerly section 
108(c)(3)(A)(i)(II) of the Act) permits a nonconforming motor vehicle to be 
admitted into the United States if its safety features comply with, or are 
capable of being altered to comply with, all applicable Federal motor vehicle 
safety standards based on destructive test data or such other evidence as the 
Secretary of Transportation decides to be adequate. Under 49 U.S.C. � 
30141(a)(1) (formerly section 108(c)(3)(C)(i) of the Act), import eligibility 
decisions may be made "on the initiative of the Secretary of Transportation or 
on petition of a manufacturer or importer registered under [49 U.S.C. � 

Paul Tegler   wizardz@toad.net        http://www.teglerizer.com 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <OHFASTONE@aol.com>
To: <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:36 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Importing car from Canada to USA


This is a copy of what I sent to Doug.  This was what I was told by a fed and 
someone who was importing a car from Australia.

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From: OHFASTONE@aol.com
Full-name: OHFASTONE
Message-ID: <11.944e593.26f6f3c8@aol.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 00:27:52 EDT
Subject: Re:  Importing car from Canada to USA
To: dougnad@bellatlantic.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: AOL 3.0.1 for Mac sub 84

Depending on what year you would like to import.  Basically cars 25 years and 
older are exempt from having to meet U.S. requirements.  Not sure on taxes or 
duties, registration should be no problem with proper documentation.  Hope 
this helps.



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