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Re: Rev <4000rpm sorted, so now the overdrive

To: td214 <td214@cam.ac.uk>, spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Rev <4000rpm sorted, so now the overdrive
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 01 Sep 2000 05:28:33 -0500

I'm guessing that you don't have an overdrive at the moment (I could be
 wrong!).  If so, you need to replace the gearbox as well as acquiring the
 overdrive.  In fact, I think it may just be the output shaft that needs
 replaced, and an adaptor added to the back (someone who knows better please
 correct me!), so you could open up the 'box and change those yourself, I
 guess.  I've never opened a manual gearbox (I once disassembled an auto box
 for my work), so I don't really know what's involved.  You also need a
 replacement, shorter, prop-shaft, plus O/D wiring harness (pennies), and the
 switch for the gearknob.  I think that's it.

As for where to go, I don't know who to suggest beyond the ususal suspects.
 TRGB don't carry these things in stock, although they can get them for you (in
 time...), or they may have some working, but not re-con, second-hand units, as
 might Manvers Triumph, the far side of Bury St. Edmunds if you haven't found
 them yet.  Otherwise, Rimmer Bros. or Moss are your main options.  I got a
 re-con box from Rimmer Bros. (a bit pricier than Moss I think, but I needed it
 urgently on a Saturday morning, they both close at lunchtime, and Lincoln is
 closer than London!) - it's generally been OK, although it still seems rather
 stiff after a couple of months, particularly changing down from 4th to 3rd.

Installation is a bit of a bugger with one person, simply because of the weight
 of the whole thing - strangely the bell-housing seems to be the heaviest bit,
 and that is in the hardest point to lift, of course!  It can be done - I have
 proven that - but I wouldn't recommend it.  If you do not have another pair of
 hands available, I could be pursuaded to drop by and give you a hand when the
 time comes... I happen to like Old Speckled Hen (yes, I know it was named
 after an MG)...

Richard and Daffy

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