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Re: Grinding Gears (& request)

To: bob harris <harris88@rochester.infi.net>
Subject: Re: Grinding Gears (& request)
From: Ted Schumacher <tedtsimx@q1.net>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:23:14 -0400
bob harris wrote:
> I also have this grinding problem between 1st & 2nd and worse from 2nd
> to 1st,I just rebuilt my gearbox,new
> syncros,brgs,layshaft,spacers&gaskets.Found bad teeth on 1/2 syncro
> hub,replaced with used(better shape)also wear on front of 1/2 shifter
> fork,I believe it was rubbing on 2nd gear.replaced that with a
> used(better)fork.The reason I rebuilt it was the grinding from 1st to
> 2nd.Nothing I did helped,I am hoping it is a problem with the selective
> washers.Can anyone enlighten me?  Ted S. are you listening?
> P.S. The syncros that I removed did not look to be very worn,but I
> replaced them anyway.
> Bob Harris
brass synchros are critical in a few thousandth of an inch.  you can't
always tell good from bad.  have you replaced the snap ring between
second and third speed gear. this is a one time useage part and will not
tolerate being reused. ted
Ted Schumacher  
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