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Re: First Major Drive

To: "Laura G." <savercool@msn.com>
Subject: Re: First Major Drive
From: "Chris Leah" <crl@intekom.co.za>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 09:29:23 +0200
Hi Laura
Thanks for the mail. We have quite a thriving little Triumph community out
here in SA, spread between 7 centres, and all pretty active.
I'd love to visit the US and the Triumph enthusiasts, but I guess it will
have to wait until I win the lottery.
Anyway, back to repairing the Spitfires front caliper and preparing the
Herald for respray.
At least I can back into Durban without a problem now that Fidel and the
rest of the Non- Aligned Movement people have gone home. 8>)
Chris Leah
Durban, South Africa
-----Original Message-----
From: Laura G. <savercool@msn.com>
To: Chris Leah <crl@intekom.co.za>
Date: 04 September 1998 09:10
Subject: Re: First Major Drive

>Wow! Durban, South Africa! So cool-there's a nice little S.A. community
>in southern California.
>If you ever get out this way-look me up. (I guess there's no need to ask if
>you're coming to Triumphest! ;-) )
>Best Regards,
>Laura G.
>'78 BRG Spit named 'Nigel'

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