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Re: First Major Drive

To: James <james.carpenter@ukaea.org.uk>,
Subject: Re: First Major Drive
From: Mark Milotay <mark.milotay@onthemark.bc.ca>
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 16:31:46 -0700
I built a heat shield for my Spit that has greatly reduced my vapour
locking. I wrapped fibreglass insulation in heavy aluminum foil and wrapped
it around the exhaust manifold. My car runs a lot better now that I've done
that. I need to replace my tranny tunnel to get rid of the fumes and heat,
but that can wait for a few weeks.

Good luck James,


At 07:33 AM 03/09/98 +0000, James wrote:
>Whell, I took the car for it's first major drive today, to get it's
>tracking sorted.  It's a 20 mile round trip, and it was amaising what
>happened to the brakes as I drove.  
>I had renewed everything, and they were very spoungy /springy, but the
>MOT person said seeing as they were new it was OK.  So as I drove they
>stayed spoung for about 15 miles, then just as I came to slow for a
>corner at 16 miles, I braked, and the brakes were more firm and
>responcive than they have ever been.  
>Got the tracking looked at, and the chap said that it was absolulty spot
>on.  This puts up in my estimation my technique for doing the toe in. 
>But it dosent solve the problem of why my tyers are feathering on the
>insides, wrong springs - camber?  They said too 100 miles, and bring it
>back so I will.  
>I have noticed a problem with vapour lock in the car, so I need to get
>some heat shields sorted.   Should the carb's be insulated from the
>heated rear manifold by asbesdos or somthing.  
>I also noticed the gear box tunnel heat wave and fumes problem!  So I
>have to drive with the top down (no good for today).  
>Oh and the thing keeps stalling just after over run unless the idle is
>too high (900rpm-1100rpm), vacume leak, vapour lock, and fule supply

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