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First Major Drive

To: Spit Fires <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: First Major Drive
From: James <james.carpenter@ukaea.org.uk>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 07:33:39 +0000
Whell, I took the car for it's first major drive today, to get it's
tracking sorted.  It's a 20 mile round trip, and it was amaising what
happened to the brakes as I drove.  

I had renewed everything, and they were very spoungy /springy, but the
MOT person said seeing as they were new it was OK.  So as I drove they
stayed spoung for about 15 miles, then just as I came to slow for a
corner at 16 miles, I braked, and the brakes were more firm and
responcive than they have ever been.  

Got the tracking looked at, and the chap said that it was absolulty spot
on.  This puts up in my estimation my technique for doing the toe in. 
But it dosent solve the problem of why my tyers are feathering on the
insides, wrong springs - camber?  They said too 100 miles, and bring it
back so I will.  
I have noticed a problem with vapour lock in the car, so I need to get
some heat shields sorted.   Should the carb's be insulated from the
heated rear manifold by asbesdos or somthing.  

I also noticed the gear box tunnel heat wave and fumes problem!  So I
have to drive with the top down (no good for today).  

Oh and the thing keeps stalling just after over run unless the idle is
too high (900rpm-1100rpm), vacume leak, vapour lock, and fule supply

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