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Re: Tall Gears

To: Kris & Randy Croft <rkcroft@ibm.net>
Subject: Re: Tall Gears
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 09:01:18 -0800
What engine are you running?  That would make a lot of difference in the
effect the diff will have.  If it is an early Spit with a stock 1147,
that ratio may in fact be too high.  But who knows, that may have been
changed to achieve the particular effect you have.  If you desire to
change to a different (lower) diff, I'm sure you would have a bunch of
takers if you offered the 3.27 as trade bait.  I think I recall Mark
Sinclair in San Francisco looking for that ratio last summer.  I think a
compromise 3.89 would do a lot for your pep, and still achieve a decent
top end.

Joe Curry

Kris & Randy Croft wrote:
> Barry
> Sorry about the late response. You asked about sluggish starts with my
> spitfire with 3.27:1 diff ratio. It does seem a little sluggish off the line
> but I have nothing to compare this to. This is my first spit and one of
> the po's installed what I think is a GT6 diff, # KC 59933. I found this
> when I ordered a pinion seal for what I thought was a stock 4.11 diff
> Guess what, it didn't fit. Although it's nice for cruising I'm concerned
> with what it's doing to the drivetrain.  Any thoughts?
> Randy Croft

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