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Re: [Roadsters] wiper recomission suggestions

To: "'Fergus OFarrell'" <>,
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] wiper recomission suggestions
From: "dave" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:39:38 -0500
I checked mine, they worked SLOWLY, so I didn't think about them again until
a downpour on the way out of The Glen.  The started slow, and gradually got
better and better, but it was a bit stressful in a downpour hoping they
would keep working.  I guess the old dried up grease finally melted and
started working. The amazing part is I was using a couple of tightly rolled
up blue paper shop towels as a top-to-windshield weatherstrip, never put the
new seal on after replacinf the top.  It didn't leak a drop in a 4 hour
drive in heavy rain.

I agree with the suggestion to isolate the mechancal and electrical sections
and check them.  I would guess one or both of the pivots are stuck.
Whatever solvents, peneetrating oil, explosives etc used to get them free, I
would make sure there is a way to get a good "sticky" lube in there after it
is all cleaned out so it stays lubed and won't wash or run out over time.  I
would guess they were greased from the factory, so there is probably a brass
bushing in there..

Good luck
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus OFarrell" <>

> Any suggestions as to where to start? ......
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