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Re: Checkbook Restorations

To: sfisher@Megatest.COM,
Subject: Re: Checkbook Restorations
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 09:44:25 -0800
In message <9312072349.AA27344@bldg2fs1.sales> Scott Fisher writes:
> In my recent report on the status of the Green Car and the possibility
> of a second Green Car coming to Octagons-R-Us, I ended up with the
> following comment:
> > (I have to say... it's very rewarding to think that the B will run
> > again solely because of the effort expended by myself and my friends,
> > but it's also very rewarding to finally be in a position where I have
> > enough money to tell someone, "Make it go," and then I can drive it
> > home.)

I was in the former camp until I realized that it was all I was doing besides 
working.  I got to start resenting the albatros.  I'm now at the point of trying
to share the restoration/ mantinence work with being a real person.  I'm now 
looking at things in a how much time will it take me verses how much will it 
cost to farm it out (Of course now there are just things I can not farm out.  
Who knows where a mechanic may choose to mount a voltage regulator for instance.

> I should, at the risk of sounding too full of myself, mention that 
> I am at least in the position to do this with an M.G. Midget.  I would
> *like* to be in a position to do this with, say, an Aston-Martin DB5.
> As Torrey is fond of saying, "Yeah, right." :-)

Soctt have you actually test driven the Midget and know you comfortbly fit in 
the car?  I was very saddened when I discovered that 

1. My hips were too wide for a Westfield 7, and 

2. My legs are too long for a GT6 or Mark I sprite. 

 On the positive side I DO fit a Ford GT40 in everyway except pocketbook.

> BTW, does anyone *know* -- meaning have you done it yourself or do you
> have a primary reference that says for a fact it will work -- whether
> you can cross-fit MGB and Midget wire wheels?  I know about the 14"
> versus 13" difference, I know about wheel arches, etc. etc. etc.  What
> I want to know is about spline count and hub size.  The '70 Midget that
> I've made a bid to purchase comes with wire wheels.  It might be fun
> to go +1 on them, as I have five MGB wire wheels already.  And of course,
> you're way ahead of me if you remember that I also have four 14 x 5.5"
> center-lock Minilite replicas.  Now *that* might be fun...
> --Scott

I believe the latest Moss flyer advertized MGB wheels as +1 wheels for the 

Take care,


TeriAnn Wakeman             One of these days, I'll be old enough that          people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN              calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344        TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561

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