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Duel at DeAnza?

Subject: Duel at DeAnza?
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:28:01 -0800 (PST)
Duel at DeAnza is a NASA insured event. SCCA has never
offered to help with this event in any way and in no
way holds control over it. We will not hold SCCA
membership against you. We even let Charlie announce,
how easy can we be? 8-)
The participation cap is 275, and usually there is a
waiting list held as a few fail tech. When SFRSCCA
exceeds 275 they also figure out ways to eliminate
folks. It last of these was called forced membership.
Why is DeAnza so bad? 
GoKarts are specifically not acceptable to the fancy
Cupertino neighborhood. I know, they are on a freeway,
but they still are the neighborhood. We are guests
with no "civil rights" in such matters. We just come
in and make noise to them. GoKarts and other chain
saws are deemed too much noise. 8-) 
It has nothing to do with their appropriateness as
autocross vehicles at DeAnza.
Every year there are real threats to this event, and
with luck we get another year each time. I think this
will be year 34. They still do it "the old way" much
to John'r dismay, but they still do it. 34 years is
pretty incredible methinks.

Dennis Hale
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