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RE: Spring Compressor?

Subject: RE: Spring Compressor?
From: "Rob Weinstock" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 18:46:04 +0100
>I will never go through that experience again. What I mean to say is, I
>will never put a friend through that experience again, spring compressor
>or not. Unless it's something you love to do, there are shops that can
>do that for you. What took us many, many hours by hand took a reputable
>shop (Jack Chew) a couple of minutes. So, it costs a little bit more,
>but it will SAVE you from the frustration, and also the possibility that
>a spring could go flying into your face.

Agreed. What takes me 12 hours or more, with hand tools, and considerable 
extension of vocabulary, takes Jack about 60 minutes. It's unfair, really! 
He doesn't even charge a whole lot.

One time I got lazy and used the corner gas station instead of Jack. They 
charged me $200 (WAY more than Jack), and despite my telling them not to, 
used a pnuematic gun on the Koni's, resulting in shock failure shortly 
afterwards. Since this is the second time I had a less than stellar result 
with this garage, I only go there when I want a repeat visit to fix 
something else.

Keep the faith, and be safe.




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