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Re: Rendezvous

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Rendezvous
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 12:23:10 EDT
275LM?  Well, I'd bet it's a Renault DCV or 7 instead.  You never see the car 
or driver, and the sound is more like a high-revving 4 cyl IMHO.  It was made 
by an impoverished young filmmaker (famous, but I can't recall which one) on a 
low budget.
Still very exciting... Jerry

I belive it was Claude LaLouche (SP?) - he had already made "A Man and a Woman" 
Another "racing" film! He was hardly impoverished. And it was supposedly his 
Ferrari. Also, it was not his first try at the run. He had crashed out a couple 
of times, as I recall. I love some of the upshifts when you are sure he can't 
go any faster. Gulp. Kids - Don't try this at home! - Seth

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