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Re: Street Mod exclusions

To: "Karl Witt" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 16:31:43 -0600
Karl Witt wrote:

>wow! a WHOLE 2000 pounds? i mean really...that's a heavy car.

So how, then, do you justify allowing Honda Civics in SM? Lots of
them weigh less than 2k. My '86 VW GTI in ES-legal trim weighed
just over 2100, which is no more than any of the excluded "rare,
light" Opel models. No, that's a mistake. An obvious one. At
least admit it. There's no defense for exclusion of any Opel
sedan because it's too rare or too light.

>Anyway. As far as the list as a whole, it was done EXTREMELY
quickly and
>incompletely as an example for the SEB.

It would help your credibility, then, to refrain from judging
those cars about which you have no knowledge.

>see for errors, if you really care, feel free to join the SM
list and add
>your knowledge to ours if the concept goes any further than just
being an

I'm watching with amusement as some of the SM participants begin
figuring out just how much money it will take to field a
competitive SM effort. As development of the cars continues, SM
will become one of the most expensive Solo II venues. Will it
survive? Maybe. Will it be won by people who drive to Nats in
their street cars? Give it 5 years (if it lasts that long), and
my money says "no way."


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