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Re: Thanks to an Alert Corner Worker...

To: Judy Becker <>
Subject: Re: Thanks to an Alert Corner Worker...
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 09:38:03 -0800
Judy Becker wrote:
> Hi Paul etal
> I think one of reasons course workers like to roll flag & tuck under arm is
> help hold up their upper body.......whatever.....

Yep, except most of them leave them on the ground. A red twirled flag on
the ground...or worse..unfurl it and leave it in a cone so it distracts
the drivers.

> You're absolutely right, some workers who do that and are warned just seem
> to have a hard time understanding the difference with holding the flag
> unfurled, as in your
> case whooooo knowss?????

The old "waving a red stick" advice. 8)

> We seem to spend quite a bit of energy here
> indoctrinating/training/educating new drivers about the importance of
> safety and the significance of what they're doing.

I am not so sure. I know the intention is there, but we too often dump
newbies out on course to work. I often find myself helping out someone
who does not know what a DNF is, or a downed cone..let alone what to do
with a red flag. Case in point? The Diablo driver Sunday. He had no idea
(he asked me if he could hire someone..) 8) I spent 10 minutes on course
with him trying to get across those basic points. Safety first. Watch
the cars, etc. "umm..who picks up the cones?"  "you do" "oh"

Randy Chase
should be working in San Diego

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