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Re: April FasTrack

Subject: Re: April FasTrack
From: Steve <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 14:19:13 -0800 (PST)
--- Tyson D Sawyer <> wrote:
> They recommended against it?!?!  Damn!  I guess I'll
> have to write a 
> letter to the SEB quick! ;-)

Hey now!  :-)  My own final reasoning on that one was
that the FF2000 was probably the least expensive entry
point into BM and they need the competitors more than
CM.  Also I feared that if the resulting configuration
proved faster, you could end up with a bunch of solo
specific Formula Fords, half converted to FF2000 cars
and legal for neither in club racing.  I don't think
my email ever got received by the SEB though for some

> What is an FCS or SRCS?

Formula Car Specifications and Sports Racer Car
Specifications.  They are included when you buy the
club racing GCR now.  I think the big thing there was
the penalty was a DQ if you don't have it.  The rules
said previously that you should have the current GCR
though and since they are combined now it probably
isn't a big deal.

> > 3)- Relative to specific safety issues, the MAC
> > has recommended the following rule change
> > proposals, effective 1/1/2005:
> > ITEM 10) Delete Sections 18.2.A, 18.2.D,
> > 18.3.A, and 18.3.E. Comment: Sports
> > Racing cars (18.2), and Formula cars (18.3)
> > be required to have dual braking systems
> > and external master cutoff switches with
> > appropriate identification per the GCR.
> > ITEM 11) Add to 18.4.B.6: "The brakes
> > shall be a dual system, arranged in a manner
> > to provide braking for at least two (2)
> > wheels in the event of failure in part of the
> > system." Also add new Section 18.4.B.12.
> > "Vehicles shall have a Master Cutoff Switch
> > complying with GCR, Section 17.27."
> > Comment: The committee recommends that
> > Specials (18.4) be similarly equipped.
> Does this do any more than clarify that one master
> cylinder to 3 wheels 
> and the other one to 2 wheels doesn't count?  It
> seems to be mostly 
> consolidation and clarification of definitions and I
> wouldn't expect it 
> to effect anyone's cars.  ...though I haven't looked
> at GCR 17.27.
> Except for not allowing over weight under winged
> FF2000's into the class 
> ;-) all the above looks like harmless clarification.
>  Are there any 
> considerations I've missed?

Those two elements they modified there were previously
excluded safety requirements for Solo 2.  I think most
people still have the cutoff switch and a dual brake
system, so it is probably not a change for anyone.

Steve Elzinga

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