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More "Tow Vehicles" - This Time a Saab

To: "Vintage Race Digest" <>
Subject: More "Tow Vehicles" - This Time a Saab
From: "N" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 20:58:59 -0400
Hello Fellow Listers (As opposed to 4-wheeled Listers).

I don't want to buy a truck as I have no need for one.  I do have a Saab 9-5
with A/T & 200 h.p. V-6.  The Factory suggested towing weight is only 2,000
lbs.  However, I suspect it is capable of more as they don't differentiate
between the 3 engines available in Saabs nor between A/T & manual.

Anyone have any experience with a passenger car of this size?  I have an
opportunity to buy an enclosed trailer at a good price.  But, it has a
MaxGVW of 3500#.  And, in my conversation with the factory rep he indicates
the trailer weighs about 2,000# alone.  Is that possible for an enclosed 6 x
15 trailer?  Or do I have to bite the bullet & buy an open Trailex at 680#?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

Norm Sippel
'66 MGB
'59 Turner Mk.1
'61 Alfa SV

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