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Subject: Re:RHD
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 17:46:41 EST
In a message dated 1/26/01 10:46:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< BTW, my Formula Junior has the shift on the left. Why a single-seat
 purpose-built race car would have the shift on the left is a mystery
 that died with the builder. >>

I suspect most British Formula Junior drivers would want the gearshift on the 
left, so it may have been a sales point directed towards those drivers.

If you think about it, only 10% of the population are truly left handed.  
Which is more important, steering a car very precisely through right and 
turns or shifting gears?  I would say that steering is more important, so you 
should do that with your dominant hand/arm.  Perhaps this is why virtually 
all front-engined sportsracers, from Ferrari to Lotus, were RHD (and thus 
left-hand shifting).  However, some of the rear engined sportracers did move 
the gearshift location to the right when they went to rear-engined cars.  The 
Lotus 17 (front-engined) and 19 (rear-engined) were RHD with a left handed 
gearshift, while the rear-engined Lotus 23 and 30 were RHD with a right 
handed gearshift.  The 19 was a car Lotus marketed world -wide, while a 
majority of the 23s and 30s were sold in North America.  Perhaps the 
preference of the purchaser had something to do with it.

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