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Re: CSRG at Sears Point

To: Don <>
Subject: Re: CSRG at Sears Point
From: Tom M <>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 20:12:06 -0800

Don wrote:
> Tom, You're suggestion is an excellent one. I
> agree that swift justice is often the fairest.
> But, you have no idea what it takes for a
> volunteer organization to put on a race weekend.

I have more of an idea than you think, and the fact that these are
virtually all volunteers has a lot to do with the difficulty in
addressing directly the problem driver.  Fun and enjoyment are the
principal reasons why all of us vintage race to begin with, and it is
only the insight that the events will not happen unless some step
forward to do the heavy lifting that results in anyone ever standing for
election to the board.  It would be a substantial task even if every
driver were at all times well within the spirit as well as the letter of
the rules in both driving and car preparation.  I can well understand
why people who aren't jerks to begin with would be less than eager to
crack even a minor whip where no actual harm has occurred.

> To keep all the balls in the air and somehow
> finish close to schedule is a daunting task. CSRG
> has a Chief Steward and Dan Radowicz to control
> the event. What you have in mind would take a
> legion of workers and a coordinator. 

If black flag can record eight pages of questionable moves, it could
also forward that info to the person with the flag and the number
board.  A very dear friend of mine spun during Sunday's practice in turn
11.  There was no contact, but he told me that they gave him the black
flag at start finish, as well as two other stations on the course. 
Basically, what I'm suggesting is that instead of just (or perhaps
instead of) shaking a furled black flag at the offender, black flag him
or her and let them sit in flag flag for two minutes.  Whether the
driver is brought in is up to the person observing.  I don't think the
amount of overly-aggressive driving in CSRG is so great that a dozen
extra workers and a coordinator is required.  

> What we do
> is a compromise, and I think we do a Hell of a
> good job. I know you as a loyal supporter, and
> I'm sure you'll agree.
> Don Queen

I respect and admire the fact that each of you is willing to take time
from your actual lives to serve a thankless task.  I think CSRG is on
the low end of the problem scale as far as the number of incidents in
vintage racing goes.  And you can truthfully say that I am a loyal
supporter of CSRG.  And, yes, you've all been doing a good job.   I'm
after perfection here, and y'all should be, too.

Tom M
Elva Courier #43

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