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Re: Vintage Racer: what car to buy?

Subject: Re: Vintage Racer: what car to buy?
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 11:54:27 EST
In a message dated 1/27/00 5:59:57 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< So long as we're voting, LOTUS >>

I knew it would finally come to this....ONE of the reasons I suggested he buy 
an ALFA was to make sure there were more SLOW cars on the track for me to 
pass!!!   LOL!!!

True, though,  Lotus requires LOTS of patience and a deep wallet to keep it 
going quickly and reliably  (its like owning a boat or an airplane).  Why do 
you think Dave Bean's driving a BMW M3 in the magazine ad??!!!.....2 
reasons...1 he sells LOTUS parts (so he can obviously afford it), and 2, he 
wants something fast AND reliable!!

Driving a LOTUS does take you a step higher in the snob appeal league, 
however.  Although most of my Ferrari friends are embarassed to have the 
LOTUS guys even bus their you're still haven't MADE IT yet!!!  
But your a darn site closer than if you had a 510 or Sprite (sorry Datsun and 
AH/MG drivers!!...but sometimes the truth hurts)!!

OK...spam away again...

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 LOTUS Cortina Mk1 #128

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