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Re: TR6 Pistons & Rods

Subject: Re: TR6 Pistons & Rods
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 22:47:42 -0500 (EST)
In a message dated 97-02-05 09:28:08 EST, (Susan) writes:

> The SVRA and anyplace that races bikes (NHIS, etc.)bans ethylene glycol
>  in race cars due to its slippery-when-spilled qualities. Presumably this
>  extends to propylene glycol (PG) since they specify "water" only shall
>  be used as coolant. Makes us yankees nervous when heading south to race.
>  Easy to forget about it on the return trip. 
>  P.S. PG is GREAT stuff - the wave of the future!!!!

Red Line makes a product called Water Wetter that is great stuff, and can be
used where your glycol based stuff is outlawed. The motorcycle guys (notably
Ducati) use it in their race bikes. I use it in my Tiger and have noticed a
difference in temperature.

Bruce McGuire

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