-------------- Original message from Dean Paige--------------
> Be aware though that if one installs a Clear Hooters switch it's life
>expectancy will be the same as that for all of them and that is maybe 2 years
>at the outside. This, based on my experience of the Clear Hooters headlight
>switch which was standard on my 73 TR-6. These quality products tended to come
>apart at the seams usually in the middle of the night in some godforsaken
Deano is right about that switch. In fact, it was such a piece of crap, that my
car was recalled by TRiumph to have the crappy Clear Hooters headlight switch
replaced by a (pause for comedic effect here) superior Lucas replacement
headlight switch.
Irv Korey
74 TR6 CF22767U
Highland Park, IL