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RE: por-15

To: <>
Subject: RE: por-15
From: "Tim Tucker" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 17:24:40 -0400
Don't they all share that 'truth in advertising' attribute..:)

That's why I wanted to see for myself how it did on something rusty as crap
to start with and something clean (part of my wrought iron fence)...I'm 1-2
years from needing to make a decision for my TR, so I have the time.  And we
both know that only time will tell...:)


>Hi Tim:
>I just love the logic in their advertising. They tested against the
ingredients of their competitors and won, therefore they are better than
>competitors. OK, now lets do that with cakes.
>"We tested our angel food cake against the ingredients of all our
competitors and won. Our cake tastes better than eating raw flour, yeast or
>shortening. Therefore our cake is the best in the world."
>Doesn't quite work as well eh? Truth in advertising... ;^)

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