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RE: por-15

To: "Tim Tucker" <>, <>
Subject: RE: por-15
From: "Mark Hooper" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 16:30:19 -0400
Hi Tim:

I just love the logic in their advertising. They tested against the ingredients 
of their competitors and won, therefore they are better than their competitors. 
OK, now lets do that with cakes.

"We tested our angel food cake against the ingredients of all our competitors 
and won. Our cake tastes better than eating raw flour, yeast or Crisco 
shortening. Therefore our cake is the best in the world."

Doesn't quite work as well eh? Truth in advertising... ;^)


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Tim Tucker
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:50 PM
Subject: RE: por-15

Have you considered RUSTBULLET?

I am looking for something to do the inside of the frame.  POR-15 looked
like it would require far more effort with no better results.  I plan on
using Marine Clean, or equivalent, and then 2x coats with rustbullet.  I
tested rustbullet on some gas 'blackpipe' that had been installed for
several years (you know how fast it rusts).  I applied the rustbullet right
over the rust (2 coats).  Looks the same today as it did the day I applied
it (over a year ago). FWIW.
Good Luck

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