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Re: Response from Triumphs Only

Subject: Re: Response from Triumphs Only
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 13:32:18 -0700
Firstly welcome to the list, I've seen the posting's but kept my comments
to myself until now, I've e-mailed you several times about a body tub for a
1971 GT6, the first time I e-mailed you I forgot to mention what year I
needed, and you replied asking me, the next three e-mails were never
replied to?

I guess at the time you didn't need the business.  I don't know because I
never received a reply.
I have since sold this car but I believe the new owners are still looking
for a tub, if you can supply one, let me know off list and I'll gladly
forward on your contact info.

The list is a valuable resource to people like myself who are new to
British cars and want to learn more, very rarely are people or business
criticized, It's good to know what kind of business are out there, and what
kind of service people have received.  Posting's are usually both good and
bad.  If you don't like it you don't have to subscribe.
I have probably had some silly questions that most people would have
thought I should have known the answer too, but people will post answers to
my questions no matter what I ask.

Just my 2 cents.

                      Sent by:                   To:                                                  
                      owner-triumphs@aut         cc:                            
                            Subject: Response from 
Triumphs Only                                              
                      07/01/2003 01:10                                          
                      Please respond to                                         

 Hi All. This is Wayne from Triumphs only. I have just joined the list
reading many negative comments. first a reply about the TR5. Yes, it may
be real. The simple most common sense thing to do is ASK QUESTIONS. If
who has written me about the car, I have told 100% accurate info. This is
likely a TR250 conversion, but then again, it could be a real one. For
if this your life savings, then don't buy it! Heck any Triumph for $4500
better have extra cash to keep it going! You all debating this reminds me
of a
bunch of old ladies sitting on the porch gossiping. Has ANYONE off this
written to ME abou the car? I bet the answer is NO.
 RESPONSE TO T.A.W  The car you mention was a 100% original one owner 1956
TR3 not a TR3A, or put together from 2 cars. The VIN numbers were not
PLEASE get your story straight or don't quote BS you "think" is true or
memory jaded. By the way that car sold in 1992 for $27,500 then the highest

priced and more then likly the best TR3 in the world.
 Response to Bigol  I am sorry you feel we did not do our job. If as you
we used used parts and charged for new, I will gladly refund your money.
Please check the left side of the invoice to see if there is a U / R / or N
qty. I do not believe you were charged for SS and the mild installed. I
believe a mild was charged for and installed, again I am happy to resolve
any issues
or discrepancies even after all this time.

 T.O has served many thousands of customers and have unearthed many rare
parts keeping the Triumph Marquee alive. I can also tell storys about
customers, cheats but choose not to.  My integrity is the utmost concern
me. If you want to slander me, at least tell the truth not make up BS.
Cheers, Wayne Bier at

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