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RE: Here's a thread we haven't had for a while...

Subject: RE: Here's a thread we haven't had for a while...
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 14:27:08 -0800
>  I am always baffled by comments of perceived affrontery when someone
> mis-identifies one's automobile.

Larry, I haven't heard anyone on this list say they were affronted, and I
know I'm not.  You're quite right, it's a compliment when someone is
interested enough to comment on your car, even when the comment is "Izzat a
MG".  I try to always pass out a 'business card' from the local Triumph
club, in case they are interested enough to investigate further.

I actually felt bad about laughing at the kid who asked if it was a Nash
Metro; it struck me as funny and just slipped out.

To some extent, the confusion falls into the same category as "All
<ethnicity of your choice> look the same.".  People look at an unusual car,
and mostly all they see is that it's unusual.  "MG" is especially bad, since
to many ill-informed people (at least in the US) that term is synonymous
with LBC ... by their definition it _is_ "an MG".


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