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RE: A type O/D

To: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>, Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: A type O/D
From: Brian Sanborn <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 13:54:11 -0400
>For whatever reason, the leak I found most maddening was caused by a cracked
>OD drain plug gasket.  Not having the correct replacement on hand, I cut one
>from ordinary gasket material, which was too thin, with the result first
>that the drain plug first bottomed against the screen retainer screw (mine
>is a very early unit), and then the threads bottomed in the casting.  After
>finally making a thick enough drain plug gasket, the next leak was from a
>warped adapter plate (apparently caused by some over-spirited tightening of
>the long studs when reassembling the OD), and the leak after that was the
>shifter shaft seals.  The leak from those seals runs down over the OD,
>making it appear that the OD is actually leaking.


I have to chase down a leak in my GBX/OD this fall when the car is off the 
road.  Your report on the shifter o-ring rods leaking and dripping down on the 
OD and the big brass cover.... is very enlightening.

Based on losing 3/4 of a quart in 500 miles using the single viscosity 50W 
Valvoline racing oil and hearing a "geary" noise in the GBX...  I topped up 
the oil and tightened up the brass plug with a BF pipe wrench and new gasket 
doped with Hylomar.  Well I had the same leak.  Based on voodoo logic I 
decided to try the 80W-90 GL4 I had bought at AutoZone.  This time the leak 
was still there but greatly reduced.

I did replace the o-rings in the top cover during rebuild. Maybe those o-rings 
are leaking. I wonder if the reduced splash in the gearbox using the GL4 would 
suggest that the problem is the o-rings.

The real problem is that I don't know where it is leaking.  I bought some 
phosphorescent oil additive if I get really ambitious.  This kind of thing ,is 
hard to do without a lift.

I really still think it is the brass cap. I don't think the fiber washers are 
thick enough or soft enough.  I thought of finding a big thick o-ring from 
McMaster-Carr to replace these fiber washers that seem so hard.  The o-ring 
would have to be hard enough to resist distorting as it was tightened.  They 
have many types of material offered... do you know what is appropriate... or 
if the o-ring is a dumb idea.

I am so glad everybody is talking about this.  I was feeling very incompetent.
 I love the OD even with the leak.  It transforms the car.  I love the low 
throaty sound as I pass a guy on the interstate.

Brian Sanborn
62 TR4  CT16260L-O - Groton, MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site

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