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Re: A type O/D

Subject: Re: A type O/D
From: Randall <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 15:39:56 -0700
Cc: Triumph List <>
References: <>
Brian Sanborn wrote:
> I did replace the o-rings in the top cover during rebuild. Maybe those
> o-rings are leaking. 

FWIW, the O-rings sold by Moss don't seem to fit very well, and still
leak.  Herman van den Akker makes brass filler rings to fill the extra

> I wonder if the reduced splash in the gearbox using the GL4 would
> suggest that the problem is the o-rings.

I've no idea.  But, the higher viscosity would reduce flow through any
orifice ...

> The real problem is that I don't know where it is leaking.  I bought some
> phosphorescent oil additive if I get really ambitious.  This kind of thing
> ,is hard to do without a lift.

Shouldn't be too bad, with the trans tunnel removed.  Carrying
passengers is probably a bad idea, but I've driven many miles solo with
the trans tunnel out.  Just remember not to rest your hand on the

> I really still think it is the brass cap. I don't think the fiber washers are
> thick enough or soft enough.  I thought of finding a big thick o-ring from
> McMaster-Carr to replace these fiber washers that seem so hard.  The o-ring
> would have to be hard enough to resist distorting as it was tightened.  They
> have many types of material offered... do you know what is appropriate... or
> if the o-ring is a dumb idea.

I tried the O-ring approach, without success.  Basically, no O-ring is
firm enough to take much pressure without being constrained in a slot or
something.  The different materials are all roughly the same
consistency, the primary difference is resistance to chemicals,
abrasion, temperature, etc.  I used Viton, Teflon or Kalrez would also
be acceptable (although much more expensive), but IMO none of them will
work unless you either make a custom plug with a slot, or cut a groove
in the OD housing (and deal with the thread issues, etc.)  Somewhere in
the MMC catalog is a page with a comparison of O-ring properties.  I
saved a copy of that page, let me know if you'd like me to send it to


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