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Re: A type O/D

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: A type O/D
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 23:50:07 +0100
References: <>
Hi James
Did you solve your leak, I rebuilt my A type and it too leaks like a tea
strainer, where did you find your leak, I think I am going to have to go the
test bed route, though I should have lots of time to test the gearbox as I
now have to do an engine swap, I blew my PI the other day. :-(( I was going
to rebuild a unit and swap them, but I have a runner, unknown condition, and
as the withdrawal symptoms are getting bad I am going to fit it and rebuild
a motor over a longer time span!
If any one out there has suggestions on the more obscure leak sites (or the
obvious ones) I would welcome the tips.

Thanks in advance.

1967 1300 FWD
1968 2000 Saloon
1972 2.5PI Saloon
1974 Sprinted Dolomite 1850
1975 Toledo in restoration! Spares Supplier.

Driving at 9/10 - you're not paying attention, 10/10 - to and from work, but
to really have fun requires 11/10!

----- Original Message -----
From: "James R. Holekamp" <>
To: "Nelson Riedel" <>
Cc: "TR List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:33 PM
Subject: A type O/D

| Greetings Nelson,
| I just very quickly scanned your Draft A type O/D information and I
| wanted to immediately let you know how impressed I am with the content.
| I've spent the last several months of weekends solving a substantial oil
| leak adapter plate (trans & O/D in and out 3 times) and with out doubt
| your write-up would have been VERY useful, if for no other reason than
| increasing my knowledge & confidence before the fact.  I considered
| building a test stand and acquiring a pressure gauge to prove the unit
| before reinstalling - ended up doing it the hard way.
| Your work will certainly be a major contribution to the ranks of
| owner/mechanics when it comes to A type O/D repair & maintenance. You
| should publish in booklet form- the photos and text are outstanding.
| brgds, Jay
| '64 TR4 CT38895/LO

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