Can't resist throwing this hypothesis out on the table while this debate is
going on, at the risk of public ridicule and embarrassment.
A V-8 is likely to have more compression or resistance to turning over. I
only say this because I can easily turn my 4 banger over with the fan, but
find it somewhat more difficult to the same with a V-8. But, assuming this
hypothesis to be true, then if at any given speed one where take ones foot
off the accelerator as would be common when trying to stop, and one were not
to step on the clutch until just before actually coming to a stop, which is
my common practice, isn't it yours? Then wouldn't the compression of the V-8
do more to slow the vehicle than a 4 cylinder?
And, if that is true, wouldn't you actually need less braking power with
the V-8 conversion?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Rhodes" <>
To: "Kai M. Radicke" <>; "Triumph List" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: TR3 V8 Conversion
> >Where Dan is wrong though, is that the V8 does provide you with extra
> >and torque and you will then reach said speed more quickly than in a
> >powered car. The quickness is related to acceleration and the quicker
> >able to accelerate the more force your car is carrying and the more
> >force is required to stop it. This is where Dan is mistaken.
> Kai, Kai, Kai, what are you thinking? How does the true statement that "
the quicker you [are]
> able to accelerate the more force your car is carrying" have anything to
do with STOPPING???
> Stopping is stopping and going is going, and ne'er the twain shall meet.
The only way you need
> more stopping power simply due to more horsepower is if you leave it in
gear and a foot on the gas
> as you hit the brakes.
> Now, you MAY exercise the brakes more since you MAY have a higher AVERAGE
speed even though
> you never exceed the speed limit. Quicker acceleration will get you to
your self-imposed limit sooner than
> otherwise. Your brakes do not know what engine is under the hood, just
the change in speed you are requesting
> and the time you are asking it to be done in.
> -Tony
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