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RE: Kerosene heaters

To: "Christopher Ball" <>, " 'TRs Roadster list'" <>
Subject: RE: Kerosene heaters
From: "Eric Conrad" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 14:51:40 -0700
Alright, I'm setting myself up to look dumb here!  Wouldn't 58,000 mm be
equal to 5,800 cm, which is also equal to 580 decameters, which is equal to
58 meters?  If so, square that for height and width, and we are looking for
a fresh air opening of about 1/2 of an American football field high by the
same wide.    ????  In the bitter cold, what's the benefit of this heater if
you have an opening that large?

Ok, flame away.  I probably deserve it.


label on the back tells me, in typically Canadian fashion, to have a fresh
air opening of 58,000 mm squared. ( as if anyone under the age of 12 has the
faintest idea if that  opening would allow a mouse or a transport truck
through it)

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