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Re: A-Type OD Question

To: Michael Ferguson <>
Subject: Re: A-Type OD Question
From: "James A. Ruffner" <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 19:02:18 -0400
References: <>
Internal to the lever that is used for setting (the little hole) is the actual
release lever.  This is inside the case, and is pinned to the operating shaft
(which runs through the case from the setting lever to the solinoid lever.)
This internal lever pushes a little rod that goes to the pressurized chamber,
and pushes a steel ball bearing up.  With the ball pushed, the pressurized
reservoir is released to the operating pistons.  I suspect that the lever
internal to the setting lever has come loose.  Alternatively, the release ball
is incorrect, or the rod is bent.  Both of these are unlikely.  Still, you will
need to pull the OD apart, or majorly adjust at the solinoid end.   Danger of
this is that if the lever continues to slip, you will get incomplete engagement,
and this is a sure-fire way to destroy your OD!

Michael Ferguson wrote:

> Well, it looks like I FINALLY got my OD to work! Manually at least. Haven't
> connected the electricals yet and with my track record, It'll probably take
> me another 6 weeks! (Just let it go, Fred..)
> Question though...when I operate the valve lever on the right side of the OD
> box, I have to push it a good 1/4" PAST the alignment hole. I feel no
> resistance until I get to the hole (the 3/16" one used to adjust the
> solenoid). Have to push the lever another 1/4" or so to engage the OD. The
> only thing I can think of that would cause this is the cam on the OD
> operating shaft is either worn or is somehow not lined up where it should
> be.
> Seems to me I could make allowances when setting the solenoid, but I don't
> want to trash this thing now that I finally got it to work. Any ideas from
> those of you who've been down this road? Thanks very much...maybe I'll be
> back on the road before summer's over after all!
> Michael Ferguson
> 1959 TR3A  TS53990L (with TR4 Gearbox and OD)

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