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Re: TR4's vs 6's

Subject: Re: TR4's vs 6's
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:20:17 -0600
References: <>
I was under the impression that all TR4A's rolled down the assembly line
with both Live axle and IRS rear suspension packages bolted on at some
stage of the buildup and not down different assembly lines.  This means
that the TR4A frames were made to adapt to either live axle or IRS
suspensions depending on the dealer (or owner) preference.

Was the TR4A frame redesigned to accomodate both assemblies over the TR4
which only had the Live Axle, or am I "All Wet"?

Joe wrote:
> In a message dated 23-Jun-99 09:17:51 Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > I thought all IRS TR4's were CTC and, therefore, no TR4 could have a CTC
> >  prefix; but a 4A could be either. Am I mistaken?
> >
> >  Ed Woods
> >
> Ed, you are partially correct.  CTC means IRS.  TR4 comm numbers run from CT1
> to CT40304 (NO CTC for TR4's).  All TR4's were "live axle" since the frame is
> basically a widened TR3 frame.  No TR4's were ever built with IRS.
> The TR4A frame is completely different.  That frame was specifically designed
> to accomodate IRS in the rear.  The TR4A's run from comm numbers CTC 50001
> (they skipped all the numbers between 40000 and 50001) BUT some North
> American TR4A cars were equipped with "live axles."  Those so equipped have a
> CT 50XXX comm number.  In other words, CTC on a TR4A signifies that the car
> was built with IRS.  If a TR4A was configured with a "live axle" (for the N.
> American market) the comm number will be CT 5XXXX.  Think about it and you'll
> see that it makes sense - i.e. All TR4's have CT, most TR4A's have CTC but
> some TR4A's (live axle) have CT.
> BTW - the Brits never liked the "live axle" TR4A.  The TR4A IRS was, to the
> Brit engineers, an improvement over the TR4 "live axle."  Triumph caved in to
> much pressure from US dealers to produce "live axle" TR4A's.  If someone
> wanted today to convert a "live axle" TR4A to IRS there is some work needed
> because Triumph had to modify the new TR4A frame to (backwards - in their
> opinion) accomodate the "live axle."  That mod has to be removed.  Cheers.
> Art Kelly '64 TR4 CT33118L (original oowner/factory pickup/daily driver)
> VTR TR4 vehicle consultant

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