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Re[2]: SQUAT

To: "" <>, "Joe Curry" <>
Subject: Re[2]: SQUAT
From: "Ross Vincenti" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:48 -0800
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
     Joe wrote:
Ok, Greg, you forced me into it.  I now have to admit that I do buy precious 
metals for my spouse.  They generally are in the form of "rocker panels", 
fenders, boot lids etc. for Spitfires.And I get the same response I do when I 
try to buy her clothes.
Ahh, yes.  What is precious metal to one culture is a fishing weight to another.
ISTR in my college studies (don't ask how long ago that was) that some ancient 
cultures actually believed that gold was a worthless substance (compared to iron
or copper which made nifty weapons and tools).  Now, I can personally vouch for 
the preciousness of Porsche sheet metal.  Example - headlamp buckets (basically 
looks like an old WW II steel helmet but a lot thinner) run $125 apiece (!!!).

Ross Vincenti
Temporarily Triumphless (but just dropped 40 big ones on a new Suburban)

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