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RE: competition manual online

To: "Tony Rhodes" <>, "Fred Thomas" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: competition manual online
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 99 05:44:19 -0700
>I agree completely.  These books are scarce and out of print.
>I bet that SOMEBODY still owns the copyright, but I doubt
>they will bother to complain.

Strange.  We just heard from a Triumph parts company in the US who offers 
the Spitfire comp prep manual for sale.  He gets them from another 
company & resells them.  This stongly implies that they are still in 
print and that the copyright owner is stil in business to make money of 
the intellectual property that they own.

TeriAnn Wakeman                          In final test phase
Santa Cruz, California                ROVER & EXPEDITION EQUIPMENT            WEB DIRECTORY              ENABLES YOU TO FIND COMPANIES & PRODUCTS

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