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Re: Competition manual online

To: "Fred Thomas" <>, "" <>, "David Moag" <>
Subject: Re: Competition manual online
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 99 05:52:32 -0700
>someonebody else is trying to play Perry Mason or NYPD,
>and tell him what he can or can't do, move on, read it, use it, and enjoy 

I'm not trying to tell Ken what to do. I assumed that Ken was unaware 
that the material he is posting is not in the public domain.  The manual 
belongs to someone and Ken is evidently using the material without the 
owners knowledge or permission.  It is up to Ken to decide what he wants 
to do.  I only care because I believe in protection of intellectual 
property and works of art.

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