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Re[2]: Winterization? (or, "How To Store A Loved One")

Subject: Re[2]: Winterization? (or, "How To Store A Loved One")
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:02:58 -0400
 I heard that you can prevent the clutch "freezing" to the flywheel by 
 keeping the clutch peddle depressed.  I reading, it think in "Practical 
 Classics"  that a company in the UK makes a device that does this.  If 
 interested, I can go through my old stash of Mags to see if I can find the 
 add.  I have never done this, and don't know what effect it would have on 
 the clutch MC and slave cyclinder.  My experience has been with antique 
 american iron, old MBs and a S**B, these never experienced this problem.  I 
 hope this help.  Later, Chris

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