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Re: What you say?

Subject: Re: What you say?
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 95 11:46:45 -0700
In message <950428125045.20c00265@LMSBV3.TAMU.EDU> Lee Daniels,

> Yah!  Go for it!  It's got all the right ingredients - aluminum, good 
> price, won't have to use the cutting torch _too_ much to slide in there.
> Uh... better pick up a tranny and diff, hmm, axles too, to go with the 
> conversion.  Hey, while your at it, I've got a friend who needs to practice 
> painting his flames - he'll probably do it real cheap.
> Doh! - I'll bet you'll need to find the right paint codes to keep it 
> original looking.  And can you just drill out the jets on a pair of SU's?
> All that torque might bend your wheels, too, and you know what a pain it is 
> to straighten them, and the guy there might see that your heater valve has 
> been polished.
> So would the VTR make you show this in the Mod. class?
> Lee M. Daniels   Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding   Texas A&M 
>            (409) 845-3726          Fax (409) 845-9351

So Lee, It doesn't look like Greg will have to look hard to find someone to  
paint flames for him.  Looks like you are from Flamers-R-Us and already put a 
good coat of flames on Greg then took a quick shot a me too. So I happen to like
polished brass heater valves.  Too bad you have a problem with it.  Actually it 
looks more like the keep original looking swing could be aimed a me too. Tough!

So maybe Greg just happens to like a fast spit.  Its not like Spitfires are in 
immediate danger of becoming an impossible to find expensive classic.  Its also 
not like he needs approval of the modification censorers (Other than the state &
feds) to do what he wants to with his car.

Oh & rather than drill out jets on a pair of SUs he would need to get a manifold
off a 3.5L Rover (Buick) engine and use a larger pair of SUs with the correct 
needles.  Then his Spit could be just like the TR8s, Morgans, and Rovers that 
are hopped up with Buick aluminum V8 engines.

TeriAnn Wakeman              .sig closed for remodeling         

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