The SAAB guy in me loves the one where they are racing cheap mini-
trucks and you hear the phrase, le me do a "Swedish flick" and lays
the truck on it's side..
On Dec 22, 2010, at 12:53 PM, <> wrote:
> I don't want to get in a "what's your favorite Top Gear episode" but
> the Reliant Robin one still cracks me up after a challenging day at
> the office.
> like now
> Chris
> ---- Lester <> wrote:
>> That's damn clever casting Trev.. not sure he wouldn't be the same
>> on
>> a car show tho'.
>> Only fun bit so far is where one of them is shifting the Lambo and he
>> utters a surprised expletive every shift..
>> Lester
>> On Dec 22, 2010, at 10:56 AM, Trevor Jessie wrote:
>>> I think it has potential to be better than most other "automotive"
>>> programming (from an entertainment stand point).
>>> They need to go recruit some of the writers for the "daily show" and
>>> "colbert report" to elevate their humor.
>>> And ... call me crazy, but I'd like to see Drew Carey as a host. He
>>> is SO
>>> out of place on the Price is Right.
>>> -Trevor
>>> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Bob Gardner <> wrote:
>>>> Hi, all,
>>>> I just felt like saying that one of my favorite shows on TV is the
>>>> program on BBC America.
>>>> Well as most of you know, they have started a USA version. I just
>>>> watched
>>>> it again a little while ago. I think I have seen all three
>>>> episodes.
>>>> IMHO it SUCKS! I has such high hopes for our version being a good
>>>> show
>>>> but
>>>> it is just STUPID!
>>>> America has copied so many of the UK hit programs, from All in the
>>>> Family
>>>> to
>>>> The Office and I think all of them have been, if not great, very,
>>>> very
>>>> good,
>>>> so in that vein, I had high hopes for the domestic copy of the UK
>>>> Top Gear
>>>> show.
>>>> It sucks, or am I repeating my self?
>>>> There, I feel much better now.
>>>> Any one else feel like this?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Bob in San Diego.
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