It is hard to single out a favorite show but two came to mind. They were
asked to test the latest little Renault "grocery getter" type car. You
know, cubic feet of trunk space, mileage etc. But they said, everyone does
that, and their brochure stresses safety and air bags etc. So they smashed
it into a cement wall, rolled it, "T-Boned" it and in general smashed it to
bits. To it's credit, all 4 doors still opened and closed and it still
moved under it's own power. Then they gave it back to the Renault PR
department with a tow truck! Very funny.
I also liked the segment where they tried to kill a red Toyota pick up
truck. Dropped it from a crane, set it on fire and let the ocean tide cover
it up and it still ran I think. They still have that one as a set piece on
the show.
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