I think it has potential to be better than most other "automotive"
programming (from an entertainment stand point).
They need to go recruit some of the writers for the "daily show" and
"colbert report" to elevate their humor.
And ... call me crazy, but I'd like to see Drew Carey as a host. He is SO
out of place on the Price is Right.
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Bob Gardner <rdgard@cox.net> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I just felt like saying that one of my favorite shows on TV is the TOP GEAR
> program on BBC America.
> Well as most of you know, they have started a USA version. I just watched
> it again a little while ago. I think I have seen all three episodes.
> IMHO it SUCKS! I has such high hopes for our version being a good show
> but
> it is just STUPID!
> America has copied so many of the UK hit programs, from All in the Family
> to
> The Office and I think all of them have been, if not great, very, very
> good,
> so in that vein, I had high hopes for the domestic copy of the UK Top Gear
> show.
> It sucks, or am I repeating my self?
> There, I feel much better now.
> Any one else feel like this?
> Cheers,
> Bob in San Diego.
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