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Re: Motor No Go

To: "Spit Elist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Motor No Go
From: "Ken" <sdspitfire@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 09:16:43 -0800
Ok, I put a wrench on the crankshaft nut and, with great effort, much more
than normal, was able to turn the crank a bit counter-clockwise. Didn't try
clockwise. So, it's probably not the starter. I'll go ahead and start the
dis-assembly process later this am.

If I were lucky, (of course, if luck had anything to do with it, this
wouldn't happen in the first place!!), it will be a broken timing chain
rather than a 'spun' bearing. We'll see ...

Ken C

> I'd be curious if you can turn the engine over by hand.  Try grabbing the
> fan blade and turning the engine slightly with that.  I wouldn't be
> terribly surprised if the starter simply wasn't strong enough or wasn't
> getting enough current to do the job as described.

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