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Re: NEW TOPIC - Why did you buy your Spit?

To: "Spitfire Bulletin Board \(E-mail\)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: NEW TOPIC - Why did you buy your Spit?
From: " ^~ beancounter ^~" <richard@bonilla.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:39:36 -0600
RE: NEW TOPIC - Why did you buy your Spit?ho, hell ya......sit on the tire &
swap out the plugs...
nothin like that....wait till you try & work on the tr3's..
little room to work with....but, fun to drive!!...i like
following a spit and watching the cambered
suspension work......following a spit into tight, fast
curves is wayyyy cool...."a sight to see"..


  I figure I'm saving the TR3 for my "Old Age" crisis - Maybe then I can
afford one.  I think the Spit looks like a cat on it's haunches ready to
spring - great lines, and the way the bonnet opens is just too cool!

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