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Re: Off Topic - War

To: no1-bronco-fan@home.com, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Off Topic - War
From: thomas309@aol.com
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 20:08:47 EDT
Hi Ben...just a note to let you know that a lot of us share your opinion ! 
The responsible parties are like a cancer, you don't treat them gently, they 
must be removed radically....cut out, and destroyed. I spent 12 hours, today 
and will spend 12 hours per day indefinitely, identifying the bodies removed 
from the WTC. There were only three complete bodies recovered today, the rest 
were just parts!!!!  I've been at it for more than 16 yrs.....I thought I was 
used to it at this point, but sad to say that is just not the case. I think 
some hands on experience would be a learning tool, and would also change a 
lot of minds. Just think of someone that you love dearly and imagine them 
being subjected to moments (at least) of total terror, before meeting a most 
horrible, painful  death. Multiply by several thousand. What answer do you 
get... ?   If you have trouble with math, just get some help from the 
thousands that were waiting to make "missing persons" reports.....they'd be 
more than happy to help. Tom

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