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Re: the search continues... paint reacting.

To: "James Carruthers" <jcarruthers@freenet.co.uk>,
Subject: Re: the search continues... paint reacting.
From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 18:56:21 -0400
> hi everyone,
> Anyway - it was in great condition - the interior was fantastic.
> was good - if a little dry - needs waxoyling. No rust anywhere - apart
from a
> small amount on the boot lid. However the paintwork had small cracks where
> had "reacted" - im not looking for a concours condition car and would be
> to drive around for a while with small cracks in the paint (I'd cover over
> them with some sort of touch up first!) until my funds permit a respray -
> it going to continue to react? the guy painted the car himself after
> it five years ago. also there were some stress cracks around the front
> lights.

James, find out what type paint he used, this could be lacquer which will
stretch and crack, it could also be way to much paint sprayed on the
affected areas which will cause cracking, or it could just be very poor prep
work, the usual way of correcting this is stripping it down and redoing it
correctly, sorry for that kind of view.  "FT"

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