Thank you .
I'm most interested . Please advise on price and condition of the items that
you are willing to sell .
Unfortunately MGB overdrives are also nearly impossible to find in SA :-(
A company called The Spitfire Graveyard ( in Sheffield UK ) advertised a
Spitfire overdrive conversion kit ( everything included ) for 250 UK Pounds
a while back in Practical Classics ( if I'm not mistaken ) . So I guess the
overdrive unit and mainshaft should be approximately 100 UK pounds if I
purchase from them . Much better than 75 UKP just for a mainshaft from
Kipping . Unfortunately I have had no luck in contacting them . Any ideas or
would you be willing to contact them on my behalf , if they are near enough
to you , please ?
A fellow South African Triumph enthusiast will be visiting the UK during
June . I might be able to persuade him to pick everything up for me if I'm
lucky enough to find it before then .
Kind regards
Chris de Wet
PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa
One '56 TR 3 with o/d , two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .
'65 TR 4 A IRS ( hopefully soon )
'28 Model A Ford Roadster ( hopefully soon )
-----Original Message-----
From: Davies William-qswi646 []
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 3:34 PM
To: 'Chris De Wet'
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: RE: So, who wants to sell me a Spitfire OD tranny?
As you have spare non-OD transmissions for Spitfires, I believe John
Kipping has new mainshafts available which would allow the basic
transmission to be rebuilt in Overdrive configuration. The last time I
checked these cost around 75 UKP. This option may be no more expensive than
buying a mainshaft taken from a gearbox, ie., no labour involved.
It would be possible to take the D-type overdrive from another car
so equipped - I believe this unit was fitted to MGB amongst others. Is there
anything common in South Africa which might have this unit fitted? If you
were able to find a local source for the basic OD unit, I have enough
components spare (switch cowls, angle drive, mounting plates, etc.) which I
would sell. This would be a much lighter shipment, and in all honesty, the
single most difficult item to find is the alloy adaptor plate between the
gearbox and Overdrive - it is the only unique component which is not
available remanufactured, but I do have at least one of these spare.
Let me know if you are interested in this arrangememnt - I will
continue to check out my sources here and let you know their prices on
complete units,
This Message sent by:
/ \ William Davies
/ \ Total Triumph Enthusiast
__ __________________ __
/ \ ______ ______ / \ 1959 Herald 948 Coup� Y128
\__/ \ || / \__/ 1959 Herald 948 Coup�
| A \____||____/ A | 1959 Herald 948 Saloon
| = H H = | 1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export
=====U==============U===== 1961 Herald 'S'
\________________________/ 1961 Herald 1200 Coup�
| | | | 1964 Herald 1200 Saloon
|_| |_| 1973 Spitfire MkIV
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