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On the road again

To: "Spitfire Mailing List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: On the road again
From: "David A Templeton" <davidt@opentext.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 10:57:56 -0400
Hi to all,

After installing a new clutch master cylinder I then proceeded to follow
what the manual says for bleeding the clutch.  Yes I removed 1/2 the
interior and then realized at 12:30am this morning that I simply needed to
reach the bleed nipple from the engine compartment. :-(

Once I had the interior back together I went around the block to make sure
all was okay, somewhat cool.  I noticed the clutch didn't disengage until
about 2 inches from the floor.  Also, the clutch pedal hole where the master
cylinder pin goes has been worn into an oval.  Also, once I started the car
my wipers started going and no matter which setting will not turn off, in
the end I pulled the connector off the wiper motor.

This has me now asking 3 questions:

1/ Can the clutch be adjusted?

2/ Where can I get a replacement clutch pedal?  Or can I repair the one I

3/ What do I look for,  the wiper motor, I think I may have moved the wrong
wire bundle when reinstalling the interior.

All help is appreciated and thanks in advance

David A. Templeton

74 Spitfire "Spit-Six"  Comm #: FM10491U
using a '73 MkIII GT6 powerhouse
and suspension KF1951HE.
"The ultimate GT6 convertible :-) "

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